Banana Bonanza

Musa spp.
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Only the coconut palm is more obviously tropical looking than a banana plant

Today, you can choose from 4 fantastic banana (Musa) varieties.  All these are specially selected "winners"  You can expect at least one of will make you very happyquite an exclusive plant

   #1 is Misi Luki.  Misi Luki is an excellent dessert banana.  Beautiful green foliage, and highly disease resistant

Fruits are about 4 inches long (your classic finger bananas) intensely flavored --- smooth creamy banana flavor.  Misi Luki will grow to about 10-12 feet outdoors, smaller indoors in pots.  Misi Luki may be the tastiest of any banana you have ever enjoyed

   #2 is Nino.  Your Nino banana is also excellent for eating.  Growing to only about 8 feet outdoors and smaller indoors, Nino has slender (finger) fruit of very high quality.  The foliage is florescent green with a sweet tan brown stem.  Very attractive to see growing, but even better on your plate

If you select only one banana, make it Nino

   #3 is Dwarf French Plantain.  This fine plantis a true plantain (cooking banana) but modestly sized -- growing to about 5-6 feet outdoors, smaller indoors.  This dwarf is extremely prolific making huge clusters of perhaps 100 fruit.  Fruits are typically 3 inches long, an excellent size to make exact portions when you cook

By the way, any banana you select will ripen a few at a time so don't expect suddenly to have 100 bananasquite an exclusive plant

This plantain takes only 60-70 days to ripen after the flower opens.  Forget store bought fruit evermore once you taste this super flavorful dwarf plantain

As an extra bonus, your plant will make up to10 new pups in the first year alone...so you'll have delicious plantains foreverquite an exclusive plant

By the way, any banana you select will produce babies from the soil as the mother plant grows

   #4 is Monkey Fingers

Especially exciting for collectors, this tasty banana is very rare and very delicious

Growing to about 18 feet outdoors, smaller indoors, this banana features an exceptionally appealing taste.  Most bananas are just sweet; this one has the sugar but is also tart, a great balance of flavor that will have you savoring every bite.  You may never eat a conventional banana again

Fruits are finger bananas growing in close clusters, like fingers on a (monkey's) hand

If you select Monkey Fingers, you will have a real exclusive as this plant is rare and almost never available for purchase anywhere

Even if you don't savor the fruit, you will have an excellent foliage plant to admire selecting any of these fine Musa varieties

And have you ever seen cooking shows where they use banana leaves to wrap, flavor and steam foods inside?  How about Grouper roasted in banana leaves? Or maybe Hawaiian roasted pork?  Many dishes from Thailand, India, China etc use this technique.  Now YOU will be having a ball using your (many) extra banana leaves (fresh, clean & organic) to cook with or even put your foods on your outdoor grill if you likequite an exclusive plant

Your banana plants are ready to go into pots or plant outdoors now.  From their size of 4-7 inches now, each of the 4 varieties will grow very rapidly to full maturity in one year or less...and in between, new babies will sprout for you to plant or give away

You may order any one of these fabulous bananas for only $12.00 plus $7.00 shipping and handling for a total of $19.00, or...

Order 2 for $32.00 & save $6.00 quite an exclusive plant

Order 3 for $46.00 & save $11.00 quite an exclusive plant

Order all 4 for $57.00 & save $26.00 quite an exclusive plant

As always, full grow and care instructions will be included in your package to insure 100% success for you

Please click a button below to order your fabulous Bananas plants right now

(1) Nino, $19.00

Sold Out  

(1) Misi Luki, $19.00

Sold Out
(1) Plantain, $19.00
Sold Out  
(1) Monkey, $19.00
 Sold Out
(2) Misi Luki + Nino, $32.00
 Sold Out
(2) Misi Luki + Plantain, $32.00
 Sold Out
(2) Misi Luki + Monkey, $32.00
 Sold Out
(2) Nino + Plantain, $32.00
Sold Out  
(2) Nino + Monkey, $32.00
 Sold Out
(2) Plantain + Monkey, $32.00
 Sold Out
(4) You get 'em all, $57.00
 Sold Out

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We expect this banana offer to sell out very quickly.  Check orders may have to be returned unless your check arrives ASAP

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