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African Tulip Tree
Spathodea campanulata
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Among the Top-10 most spectacular zone 10 blooming trees is the world famous African Tulip Tree, Spathodea campanulata Flowers are huge, bright, shiny, softball-sized in rich
red-orange hues. Flowers form massive erect cones in clusters and look towards the sky
African Tulip Tree grows as wide as it grows tall producing an immense shade canopy. African Tulip Tree is evergreen with large leathery olive-green leaves Choose African Tulip Tree as a rarely-seen specimen flowering tree and as a shade tree You will have a rare exclusive tree that everyone will marvel at and give praise for your selection Another important feature is African Tulip Tree blooms in late winter when almost no other tree shows any color. Your specimen will show off in a bold display of world-class blooms Fast growing to about 40 feet at maturity in South Florida and easy to handle too ...plant in full sun in a large space with fertile soil. Water regularly until well established then little care is required A
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