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Red Orchid Plant
Pride of the Cape

Bauhinia punctata
or Bauhinia galpinii
click pic to enlarge

Bauhinia punctata or Bauhinia galpinii is a gorgeous Bauhinia orchid shrub from South Africa

Brick red flowers are gorgeous and uniquely perforated.  Size varies from 2.5 to 3.3 inches ...very nice

click pic to enlarge

Blooming is most warm months and all hot months

Punctata attracts butterflies

Drought resistant and tough, handling some frost after establishment.  Excellent for zone 9 and 10 year around.  A maturing punctata makes a bold landscape statement

click pic to enlarge

May be used as a hedge, tops out at approximately 8 feet

May be pruned into a unique dwarf tree form

Evergreen in zone 10, semi-deciduous in zone 9 climates, your punctata will grow quickly and spread.  You may allow punctata to grow naturally or prune to confine to most any area.  Flowering is best in full sun, but partial shade also yields plenty of bloom performance

click pic to enlarge

Punctata plants are now shipping ...only the 2nd time we've had these beauties on hand for you

You may now order your own very cool Bauhinia punctata seedling live plant ...only a few are available

For pre-purchase PayPal information, click here

As always, you receive complete care info
included with your package
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One Bauhinia punctata seedling orchid live plant only $29.50 total with postage & packing included

Sorry, sold out again

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