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True Bay Leaf Tree
Bay Laurel
Grecian Laurel
Roman Bay
Laurus nobilis
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Here's the REAL thing --- a gourmet winner for your garden, your patio and for your kitchen, Laurus nobilis is the True Bay Leaf Tree You almost certainly have never tasted a True Bay Leaf in your entire life You may say "what's all the fuss?" ...well, it's because you don't know the extraordinary contribution the real
True Bay makes to cooking and being such a fine and noble plant to
The reason is, in America, very often the leaves of California Bay (Umbellularia californica) are sold to you as bay leaves you buy at your grocery store and use in your recipes It's amazing ...the two trees are not even in the same plant
....and there is no comparison between the two for taste This is the true culinary Laurel used extensively in cooking in French, Italian, and Spanish cuisines name just a few Laurus nobilis is the true Laurel of Greek and Roman mythology A poet laureate is a highly accomplished poet, and the Roman poet, Ovid, retold the story of the Greek nymph, Daphne, who was transformed into a Laurel tree by her father, Peneus The poet said the father did that so that Daphne could avoid the amorous pursuit of the god, Apollo Thereafter, Apollo wore a wreath
of Bay Laurel to show his
love for Daphne
Native to Mediterranean regions, but famous and cherished everywhere, True Bay Laurel is used in cultures worldwide as a essential cooking spice and a lovely evergreen small tree, mostly seen potted Europeans like to keep their True Bay Laurel smallish, typically 5-7 feet, easy to pick leaves and enjoy. We suggest you do the same In France, for example, Bay Laurel would be found potted in almost every patio close to the kitchen for convenient picking of fresh aromatic leaves Bay Laurel is also a favorite for topiary sculpture because it responds very well to pruning. Your Bay tree can be trained as a standard or allowed to grow as a spreading shrub Very exciting for you is that the True Bay tree is rated down to 20 degrees so can easily be grown outdoors year around in zones 7-10
Potted with occasional winter protection, your
Bay Laurel can be grown and enjoyed 365 days a year
Tall & Hearty True Bay trees available to you today are live
plants like these below
BTW, a sensational accompaniment is
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