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Cotton Tree

Gossypium hirsutum
click pic to enlarge

Like most folks, you probably believe cotton is a shrub

You might have visions of workers with sore backs bending over fields of low-growing plants, picking off cotton balls...

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The truth is cotton is a (perennial) tropical tree which is a startling landscape focus ...since almost no one grows the cotton tree, you'll have an exclusive specimen

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Thought to be a native of Mexico, growing your own cotton tree is guaranteed to make your home landscape the talk of the neighborhood

Of course, you show off great looking flowers too

click pic to enlarge

Full sun is best but some afternoon shade is OK.  Plain sandy soil is fine.  Grows easily

A few cotton trees are on hand for you if you'd like to get something unique and special

Already good and woody, these are well over a foot tall and ready to plant at your house

click pics to enlarge

If you wish, keep your cotton plant in a pot

You may order  your own Cotton Tree live plant for only $25.00 plus postage & packing

For pre-purchase PayPal information, click here

As always, you receive complete care info
included with your package
Shipping Schedule

One Cotton Tree live plant $33.75 total with postage and packing included

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