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Hybrid Desert Rose
Adenium Obesum
Everyone who loves plants MUST have at least one Desert Rose The best ones by far are the super fancy
rare hybrids like those you may select below
These are all ultra rare, almost unknown in the USA, hybrid varieties you will not see anywhere, period. Imported from Taiwan, Thailand and China, this offer is WAY the biggest and best desert rose seeds selection anywhere If you already have one or more desert rose
plants, get ready to add to your collection now
If you are a desert rose novice, you will enjoy
serious bragging rights with these sensational bloomers in many exciting
colors and shapes
I you don't know this fantastic plant, you REALLY want to learn about Desert Rose by clicking here so you don't miss out Regardless of your climate, you can and should make room for Desert Roses in your collection ...any climate, anywhere in the USA, enjoy warm + hot weather blooming outdoors These seeds were imported from Taiwan, Thailand and China, freshly collected then brought here for you
Even Neiman Marcus couldn't offer any gift so rare,
beautiful and satisfying
We have already planted our share
They are coming up beautifully ...see the photo below for one tray at 10 days after seeding |
Here they are
Here are brand new varieties just added
You receive 2 seeds per package
We experience about 85% germination Please read our full plants and seeds policy here Order each variety individually, but they will ship together For PayPal
information, click here As always, you receive
complete care info
To pay by check, please click here |