Common names below are those from Taiwan
and China (translated) so don't think we're being too funny making up some pretty wild names

Here they are
You decide what you want
Half black and half bright red, prolific bloomer
Arctic Snow Told to us by the hybridizer to be the best white
grower raves about this variety
Arrogant Breathtaking strong red Desert Rose.
We agree this may be the overall best desert rose ...color/speed to flower/character
Beauty Cloud 2
Two tones with a white foundation then peach/pink "painted" within
a flower within a flower
Big Chubbiness Very large
bloom shows off a strong red perimeter with bright white foundation.
Loves to flower
Black Fire Extremely rare variety.
Shocking colorization ...inner 1/3 is red, outer 2/3 is almost black ...vigorous
Jade Ultra prolific bloomer yet a diminutive
plant, a la bonsai in growth character
Black Warrior Deep
dark red. Grows very well. Like Arrogant, but deeper red. Each of the 5 pedals has a crease with ruffled edges thus
appearing as 10 pedals
Bright Gem Somewhat
like Beauty Cloud 2 but deeper tones, especially striking red bursting
from the throat
Canary Bird New hybrid. No one has
this variety yet. Bright red throat with pink pointed petals
Chameleon Starts
off with white blooms, then flowers change to add two more rose/pink
Dance of Butterfly
Sharply pointed petals, a white foundation barely seen because each petal
has 3 strong red/rose stripes from throat to tip. Remainder of each
petal has "veins" of red/rose color flaring to the edges
Dark Forest Great
name for this variety ...One of the most intense all-reds with exceptionally
deep colored ruffled edges
Desert Night Fork Very rare, extremely
limited in availability. Grown for it Hulk-like body character yet
plenty of pinkish flowering as well
Fire Kylin A red
of strong intensity that just "POPS" color into your eyes. A proven prolific bloomer and often with fat base
Flower Language The appearance of a lily with large open throat, white base color then
streaks and splotches of hot pink with one prominent line from throat to
tip, then color branching the remainder of the added hot pink
Focus A strong
white with a very prominent yellow throat then a gorgeous baby pink trim
at all the edges of the petals. Lovely
Fragrant Delight Five
strong swaths of red in each petal with a rare light fragrance as well
Garden of Falling Star Pointed
5-petal reddish bloomer with plenty of white highlights that vary flower to
Harry Potter
Large flowers often in large clusters. Flowers can vary from substantially
pink to substantially red with white accents and yellow throat
Kiss Star
Extremely ruffled white petals with unusually strong mostly purple-red
Love Affairs Of Stars
Vary lily-like with semi-pointed petals, white foundation and rose streaks
and blotching. The throat is extremely prominent with alternating yellow
and white stripes in the flower's heart
Long flowers, almost purple tips, creamy colored
throat and outside blooms
Noble Concubine Grows strong, flowers
strong. A classic
Optimize Bright
metallic coloring based on reds and purples. Petals are ruffled with
a single "point" from each tip. Throat is yellow and white.
White sprays from the throat to the bottom of each petal before reds and
purples begin
Polaris Looks like 10
petals instead of 5, rich red margins, white elsewhere with a yellow
throat accent
Prominent Bright
metallic coloring based on reds and purples
Red Star of Taiwan
A really huge flower approaching 3 inches across sporting a very strong red.
Base and foliage are also hefty making for an exceptionally bold specimen
in red
Silver Star
Extremely lily-like with very long flowers colored both inside and
outside. Strong bold wide hot pink streaks run from throat to tip on
each petal with lesser pink streaks from this main branch of color.
Outside shows streaks as well
Star Of Happiness Superior offspring of
Have a Dream is the Most Beautiful. Very prolific bloomer. Fast
plant growth
Star Of Luck A
lily-like style with exceptionally open flower, but long growth as well.
Edges are white and interior are pink-reds. The throat is very open
with yellow and pink colors
Star of Ocean
Very pointed petals that flare back at the tips. Perimeter color is
purple/red/pink combination then ultra bright white inwards. Throat
is mostly red
of Tomorrow A superior offspring of
Harry Potter. Large flowers, a bold presence, cool in any collection
Star of Top Very strong red
plants sprout with variegated leaves, unusual foliage...variegation most
often sets in later in life
Star of Yellow Dream The only desert
rose remotely showing yellow flowers, with red central streak on each
petal, amazing
Star in Style These stripes form the Chinese
character "Dah" which means "big and great." Large flowers as well
Star Studded Sky In our experience,
we rate this the best white variety. Flowers with abandon, plus usually
grows fat as well
Super Moonlight Ferry New version of
Moonlight Ferry, much larger flowers, bold red, lovely patterned white
Super Perfume Ultra feminine flower with
delicate sweet fragrance ...almost unheard of with Desert Roses
Uranium The 5
petals are so geometric that together they appear to display a single
flower in the shape of a pentagon. Edges are red with a semi streak
of red half way to the very pale throat
Arabicum Adenium
arabicum (not A. obesum), essential for any
serious collector, A. arabicum is known for
hefty base and squat growth as well as being rare to see or own
Somalense Adenium
somalense (not A. obesum) is a large growing cousin of A. obesum, may be
more rarely seen than arabicum Please read our full plants and seeds policy
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As always, you receive
complete care info
included with your package
Shipping Schedule
Due to a larger volume of recent
sales, we are temporarily not offering
hybrid desert rose plants as named varieties,
sorry. However, below you can order fine plants known here as "Lost
Tag" at dramatic savings.
Plants offered below are all fancy hybrids from varieties above

Your Best Deal
3 "lost tag" plants,
same hybrids as listed above at the top, but we lost the tag, so
you get 3 different hybrid plants, super bargain
$79.50 total with postage and packing
included |
Sold Out
ONE "lost
tag" plant as above, same hybrids as
listed, but we lost the tag, you get one fine plant, bargain priced
at only $30.00 total
with postage and packing included |
Sold Out