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True Date Palm
Phoenix dactylifera
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This is the Phoenix species known as the true date palm because it produces large delicious edible fruit, extremely important as food and embedded in many cultures Phoenix dactylifera is the #2 most important palm in the world, 2nd only to the Coconut palm Notice how the fronds, which can be 20 feet long, are held high and very upright versus the common palm frond habit of drooping well as "holding" scores of fresh silver-green fronds at the head simultaneously It is this stately unique "held
high" look that appeals to almost everyone
Seen in all Florida climate zones, North to South, but more often in other states in cooler climates including Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, etc. True Date Palm is actually an arid sub-tropical native to North African dry climates and deserts This is the classic oasis palm
Phoenix dactylifera is very expensive seen often in mansion landscapes and top notch commercial developments The reason is almost all landscape dactyliferas come from commercial groves, mature, and trucked in across country for re-planting @ typical price: of $4,000 - $6,000 each plus planting fees added on The dactylifera is grandiose even when young Rated 75-100 feet tall in the wild, but closer to 50-60 feet fully mature in cultivation. Foliage is a unique silver-green Maximum color is in summer when fruit matures. You need both male and female trees to set seeds / fruit Besides fruit, dactylifera can be tapped for sugar once a year and can yield as much as 6-8 pounds per extraction Now available are 10-14 inch well-rooted starter plants (typically almost totally unavailable in this size) These dactyliferas have been grown in full sun, are well rooted and ready right now for your landscape or pots this one You may order your own true date dactylifera as healthy live plants for
only $23.00
plus postage and packing
That is a great deal as you will enjoy a very valuable palm tree at pennies on the dollar compared to buying landscape sized trees (you literally save thousands $$$)
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