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Live Plants Offer                                            Live Plants Offer
Yellow Elder

Tecoma stans
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The vast majority of plants bloom during your warm or hot months and maybe into the fall

To the rescue !!!  Here's a great flowering shrub and tree that blooms in fall and into all of the winter quite an exclusive plant

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So easy, Yellow Elder can be kept pruned as a shrub...

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or allowed to grow into a small tree, 12-15 feet tall you like

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Flowers are formed in clusters.  Clusters are numerous and you don't have to do anything special to enjoy

Nice leaf color and shape too

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Easy in lawn areas, dry areas ...little or no added sprinkler water is needed once established quite an exclusive plant

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The color is a strong yellow with hints/streaks of red color within every flower.  Excellent in all of zone 9 and 10, Yellow Elder may be the easiest plant offered in a long time.  Pretty fast growing, you might get flowering as soon as this fall

Soooooo ....For a nice flowering tree in cool and colder months ...or for a nice blooming shrub fall and winter, you'll want one or more Yellow Elder live plants now available for you

Nice Yellow Elder plants are available right now.  Plants now shipping are already branching quite an exclusive plant

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included with your package
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One Yellow Elder live plant $26.50 total with postage & packing included

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