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Live plants offer                                              Live plants offer
Big Double Bloomer

Gardenia Veitchii
click pic to enlarge

Everyone sprouts out a BIG GRIN at the beauty of superior Gardenia flowers

And what about the fabulous scent?  Traditional, yet glamorous and very satisfying

This offer is for one of the largest varieties, Gardenia Veitchii, a double bloomer with a wide flower and classic perfume

Flowers are deeply scented and like to show off 3-inches, sometimes 4-inches wide

More good news is Gardenia Veitchii can easily be grown in all areas of zone 8, 9, 10 and 11.  In fact, many folks say Gardenia Veitchii does BETTER in zone 8 and 9

Also, many folks like a potted Gardenia grown indoors over cold months then outdoors in spring for flowers

The problem is, most folks generally have no selection and end up trying one the "wimpy" small-flowered types

The good news is if you can grow any Gardenia in your area or in your home, you can grow Gardenia Veitchii indoors as well

click pic to enlarge

  • outdoors in zones 8, 9, 10 or 11

  • houseplant selection if you wish

  • easy to grow

  • gorgeous very HUGE flowers

  • world famous scent

  • traditional to own and enjoy

Gardenia Veitchii live plants you may order today are ready for a new pot right now and are excellent plants ...very strong cuttings (so you know for sure you have the authentic Veitchii variety) and extremely well rooted

Here's an example of what's shipping so you can see the fine foliage and plant health

click pics to enlarge

shiny green as a well fed Veitchii should be

You may order Gardenia Veitchii as a healthy live plant for only $15.00 plus $7.50 postage and packing.  Order several to make a strong statement and you save $$$

Some for yourself ...give to others ....a very fine gift opportunity...

For pre-purchase PayPal information, click here

As always, you receive complete care info
included with your package
Shipping Schedule

3 Gardenia Veitchii live plants only $45.00 total with all postage and packing included

Sold Out

2 Gardenia Veitchii live plants only $33.00 total with all postage and packing included

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One Gardenia Veitchii live plant only $22.50 total with postage and packing included

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