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Why this Jasmine has three Latin names, we don't know, but Angel Wing Jasmine is one of the classic TRUE Jasmines. True jasmine features: ...gorgeous pure white flowers Angel Wing Jasmine is evergreen in zones 9 and zone 10 but is also happy with good indoor conditions ...then outdoors for blooming in spring. Apparently Angel Wing Jasmine handles down to 10 degrees, so maybe zone 8 is OK too Either way, you enjoy these large 2-inch intensely fragrant flowers galore all spring, all summer and into the fall outdoors Your Jasmine will be fast growing with glossy foliage. The rich green leaves provide a handsome backdrop for the white flowers. Plant from full sun to afternoon shade ...not fussy Some folks say this Jasmine is a vine and some say it's a shrub, but our vote is shrub to max of about 20 feet, unpruned For you houseplant fans, you can do wonders with Angel Wing jasmine, eben a nice tree form if you like... For folks who also like birds and butterflies, this Jasmine is an attractant You will receive some nice plants, ready for a new pot or into your landscape. Plants shipping right now look like this one Expect blooms shortly after you get your new Jasmine plant
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