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Here's a new TRUE jasmine for you
Jasminum multiflorum is called Downey Jasmine as a common name and is native to India. Downey Jasmine is listed as a vine, but with it's shiny evergreen, branching growth habit, the plant can easily be trained as a low shrub One really great feature is you will enjoy flowers outdoors almost all year around in zones 9-11. Hence the name "multiflorum" meaning plenty of flowers and plenty often Lightly fragrant, blooms are vigorous, and the plant is fast growing so you get flower production fast If you want a shrub, yours may reach over 5 feet tall or prune as you wish to much lower heights The white, star-shaped flowers develop en mass in bright light all the way to full sun ...the more sun hours, the more flowers you enjoy Downey Jasmine is an easy plant Downey Jasmine takes off after establishment with modest food and modest water needs You can also handle Downey Jasmine in pots as a vine ort a shrub appearance or prune topiary style to form many types of shapes as you like Even young plants work hard to bloom fast. These jasmine now shipping ...some are already coming into bloom like this one below Downey Jasmine is available to you now at $13.50 plus
$7.50 postage and packing
GREAT NEWS: Angel Wing Jasmine which sold out last month is back in stock as well You have 2 TRUE JASMINE you can order
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