Fresh Ripe Seeds                                            Fresh Ripe Seeds
JOY Perfume Tree
Orange Champak

Michelia champak or Michelia champaca

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Michelia champak is the JOY (perfume) tree

We recently sold out of the Michelia champaca 'alba' via live plants.  Of course 'alba' is Latin for white and so the 'alba' has this flower

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You may now select the traditional Michelia champak, fresh seeds, just picked for you

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By now you know people did not invent JOY perfume.  Nature made this creation leading to the development of JOY, the most expensive perfume fragrance in the world

This "Campak" is a tropical evergreen native to Indonesia, India and other nearby lands

Michelia flowers produce in great quantities. On a warm humid night, the scents can easily be enjoyed several hundred feet away.   If you drive near by, you will notice the scent immediately

People and every insect you can imagine are attracted to the blooms. These are flowers you don't have to "stick your nose in" as the scent exudes from the tree

However, you really can't STOP sticking your nose into a flower over and over again

Nectar insects appear frantic, driven like drug addicts, bashing into each other to get to the heart of every flower on the tree

Now available are the "Orange champak" seeds.  In native lands it blooms in April and May.  We have found in South Florida that blooms extend into September, on and off all warm months, for larger established specimens

Curiously, live trees of any size of Michelia are very difficult to locate and ALWAYS very expensive.  Everybody wants one but they are not to be found

We are guessing the difficulty in obtaining plants or seeds is (1)  lack of supply of existing trees to harvest and (2) seed germination

Our experience has been about 40% germination, and that's expensive for growers.  So about five seeds sprout about two plants

These Orange Champak flowers are supposed to be 4-5 times larger than 'alba', but not in here in South Florida where they appear about 3X larger and longer lasting.  It is the oil of this orange Michelia that is the essence of JOY, the world's most expensive perfume.  Orange Michelia champak is said to be even more fragrant than the Michelia champaca 'alba'

The Orange Michelia is rated zone 10 outdoors or warmest zone 9.  You may try a Michelia in pots for added winter protection.  Those of you with greenhouses or other protection may also want to own the orange JOY tree as well

A small supply of hand-picked fresh ripe seeds, from pinkish-reddish to brown-red for the JOY perfume tree is now available until sold out

view of freshly picked seeds
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You receive 5 seeds per package so you can anticipate about two to sprout and grow.  You may order fresh-dry seeds for $17.50 plus $4.50 shipping and handling, for a total of $24.00

It is best to order these Orange Michelia seeds immediately as we know they are perfectly ripe now.  Tropicals should always be picked ripe and planted ASAP for best results

One Pkg of 5 Seeds, Orange Michelia Champak, $22.00

Sold Out

Two Pkgs, total of 10 Seeds, Orange Michelia Champak, $38.00

Sold Out


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