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Scarlet Milkweed

Asclepias curassavica
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Plants with the word "weed" in their name are usually pooh-poohed but, Scarlet Milkweed is acknowledged as the best of the species and very popular in Florida

Rated zones 8, 9 and 10, the Scarlet Milkweed is termed to be a "sub shrub", probably due to height which is about 3 feet.  The more sun, the more flowers

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Long very popular for butterfly gardens, Scarlet Milkweed is perennial and has intensely colored red-yellow waxy flowers in abundance that bloom all year around in zones 9 and 10 quite an exclusive plant

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Really easy to handle ...plain sandy soil, to somewhat moist richer soils and even handles part-time wet conditions pretty well

You can neglect Scarlet Milkweed after establishment but will do better with some attention with food and water if stressed ...drought resistant after establishment

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Nice plants are on hand for you - ready for a new pot at your home or ready for your landscape now quite an exclusive plant

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You may order your own Scarlet Milkweed live plant for only $13.50 plus postage and packing may order 2 or 3 and save $$$ quite an exclusive plant

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As always, you receive complete care info
included with your package
Shipping Schedule

3 Scarlet Milkweed live plants $39.00 total with postage and packing included

Sold Out

2 Scarlet Milkweed live plants $30.00 total with postage and packing included Sold Out
One Scarlet Milkweed live plant $21.00 total with postage and packing included Sold Out

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