Live Plants
Live Plants
Super Delicious Choices
for 2005 including
'Basjoo' All-Weather All-America banana
Bananas are Musa species
At least one of these
fantastic bananas is for you
Read all about bananas in our
general article
For that unmistakable "WOW, That's Tropical" look for your home, garden and kitchen... Today, you choose from 5 outstanding banana (Musa) varieties. All 5 are specially selected "winners" At least one of will be perfect for you #1 is 'Basjoo' Well, not really new, Basjoo was offered in 2004, but sold out almost immediately we felt you should have another chance to own this hard-to-get beauty Basjoo is one of the most exciting bananas The reason is can grow this species outdoors in almost all 50 states Basjoo is everybody's all-weather banana .....hardy planted outdoors year around down to -3°F ...and with some protective mulching survives temperatures as low as -20°F, basically as low as climate zone 3 The magnificent Basjoo inflorescence (flower) is one of the most beautiful of all bananas You get
Basjoo is a sensational landscape plant providing the tropical look in any situation Also, Basjoo can be grown in pots indoors with as little as 5 hours per day of bright light. So if you want a true banana and you want your banana plant growing indoors, Basjoo is for you Your Basjoo is a world class ornamental Musa that grows to about 10-14 feet (outdoors in temperate climates...considerably smaller indoors), is very much wind tolerant and shows off fabulous flowers ...a SUPER winner Remember, Basjoo sold out very quickly in 2004 #2 is
'Gran Nain'' Never before offered The Gran Nain is a long time tried-and-true world famous Musa variety many folks have heard about ...but never tasted The Gran Nain (dwarf) has been selected because it is an outstanding desert banana with a very solid green leaf color, strong for wind resistance and beautiful for all landscaping applications very Dwarf, Prolific and Delicious Very low growing as short as 6 feet (VERY easy to reach your fruit), Gran Nain is a long-proven desert banana that is exceptionally easy to grow and enjoy Although low growing in height, a single stalk of Gran Nain fruit may provide you with over 100 ultra fine desert bananas Cold hardy in zones 8-10, you will delight in the world-class flavor and very large Gran Nain fruit heads #3 is 'Ice
Cream' Blue Java Never before offered Ice Cream is the first banana plant we every tried to grow in Florida ...a long time ago Ice Cream has been perfectly named because the fruit has a creamy smooth flavor unmistakably like the taste of high quality vanilla ice cream ...velvety, clean and very satisfying Cold hardy in climate zones 8-10, Ice Cream banana tops out at 12-15 feet, stands up to wind well and has a strong root system. The leaves are a very attractive silver-green color and your fruit skins will be blue-green (hence, the other common name, Blue Java) The fruit is so good, many folks rate Ice Cream as the best desert banana in the world #4 is 'Eban
Musak' Plantain Eban Musak is an outstanding specimen and one of the few bananas that ripen green on the tree. Rated for zones 8-10, this cooking banana may be the best plantain there is ...producing top-of-the-line fruit from 4-6 inches long ....and we mean delicious !!! Mature, the Eban Musak plantain is 10-12 feet high, has luxurious foliage and generous fruit production. The fruit is pure wonderful, although the common name for this plantain is 'Crocodile Fingers' #5 is Manzano
'Apple' Banana Apple banana is the 2nd Musa variety we ever grew. For the past several years, this variety has been unavailable ...sold out from growers's that popular for many good reasons First of all, the taste. It's that apple TANG that really makes Musa Manzano so great. Other varieties are all sweet or all creamy, but THIS one has the TANG Rated zone 9-10, Apple banana typically grows about 12 feet but may reach higher when happy and well fed. The foliage is robust, mostly green with a slight red margin around the leaves ...but grow Apple for taste What a selection !!! From their size now of 12-26 inches... (varies with variety), each banana will grow very rapidly to full fruiting / blooming in about one year Every variety will produce "pups" that are new baby plants so you will have fruit forever You may order any one of these fabulous bananas or 3 of each variety. Also, you can order the Collection, at $$$ savings discounts for you For pre-purchase PayPal information, click
here As always, you receive complete easy growing information included with your package Prices posted below includes shipping & handling Please click "Buy Now" buttons individually to
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