Live Plants Offer
Live Plants Offer
True Pineapple
Ananas comosus
What do these plants below have in common? Well...they're all bromeliads, including the Pineapple, which most people enjoy eating
Commercially, there are well-proven Pineapple varieties that grow fine hunky fruit of great taste, juicy and sweet
What is great for plant people like you is the Pineapple bromeliad is a
great novelty plant that is very easy to grow. They can be in soil or
semi-epiphytic (air plants) with just some moss around the roots. In
this way you could even have a Pineapple in a tree
Most folks would love to have a Pineapple to show off and watch it develop
it's fruit and some folks will even harvest their Pineapple fruit to put on
their dinner table THAT'S really showing off
The best way to enjoy a Pineapple at your house is in a pot. A pot let's you control the weather even in cold climates where you can have your Pineapple indoors during your cold months. Pineapples are OK from full blazing sun to lightly shaded conditions. Indoors, most any bright area is suitable Outdoors in zone 9 or 10, you can enjoy Pineapple as a landscape plant right in your soil or outdoors in pots all year In pots, you will enjoy growing Pineapple plants anywhere in the USA
Some folks ask about Pineapples fruiting ...along the way, suckers (babies) are
produced. The babies of today are your fruits of tomorrow
The Pineapple you can order today is commercial grade. The plants were started from tissue culture (clones of a highly proven variety) so you know you are getting top-of-the-line genetics The Pineapple plants you can order today are cute guys ready to use as an air plant or plant into soil, in your land or in your pot ...see below
You may have your own commercial grade fine fruiting Pineapple for
only $7.50
plus $5.50 shipping or take several and save $$$
Keep some, give some away
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