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Sesbania grandiflora
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Sesbania grandiflora is a rare-to-see beautiful flowering tree native to Southeast Asia.  Sesbania grandiflora loves it hot and humid and warm.  If you have those conditions, consider this rare specimen tree for yourself

Sesbania grandiflora is a fast growing zone 9-10 tree with a very loose and open canopy.  Loose means sunlight goes through so growing understory shrubs, vines and flowers are easy to grow and appropriate.  Mature height is likely to be near 25 feet

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Sesbania grandiflora is OK in most soils as long as it gets sufficient moisture year around

Flowers are very large and conspicuous

Rarely seen and worthy of specimen status,  Sesbania grandiflora is a fine selection that will grow without getting in the way of your present landscape design ...Sesbania grows very vertical

And if you get hungry, you can eat the flowers

Young pods & young leaves are also eaten

You can have your Sesbania in a pot and enjoy the rare red flower clusters as fast as year two

Sesbania grandiflora seedling trees are offered to you today as live plants ready for your home pot or in your landscape

As always, you receive complete care info
included with your package
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One seedling Sesbania grandiflora live tree $29.00 total with postage and packing included

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