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Shaving Brush Tree

Bombax ellipticum
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Shaving Brush Tree is famous for its very cool flowers which are shaped very much like a man's shaving brush, only much nicer

Native to Mexico, the Shaving Brush is a good sized deciduous tree to 30-35 feet.  It is suitable down to 18 degrees, so zones 9-10 are just fine

Flowers have silky rose-pink stamens topped with yellow pollen

Coveted for it's unique brush-like flowers in late winter (often February), the leaves are an attraction as well.  Leaves are first bright red turning a fine green as they mature

With minimal water requirements, this is a fine shade tree as well as a show stopper bloomer.  Especially easy for dry climates.  Water to establish then relax

This tree is suitable for bonsai treatment

Bombax ellipticum

The wood is interesting as well, showing stripping of greens, yellows, browns and white


What you get is great shade in your warm and hot months, then flowers in winter with open growth habit to let winter sun into your landscape

Trees for you today are BIG ...15-18 inches tall, already woody, and need a new pot or open soil ASAP.  These are easy trees to grow for both shade and flowers, but for colorful leaves as well

Likely you'll have bragging rights as Shaving Brush Tree is pretty rare to see

Get one for only $20.00 plus $6.00 shipping and handling.  Get two and save $$$

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2 Bombax ellipticum live trees, only $39.00 total with postage & packing

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One Bombax ellipticum live tree, only $26.00 total with postage & packing

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As always, you receive complete easy growing information included with your package

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