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Plants Offer
Live Plants Offer "You will be the envy of Staghorn ferns are spectacular plants, but easy to own and enjoy; they require almost no work, no soil and not much watering All you have to do is provide a warm bright airy location and your Staghorn fern will perform, growing larger rapidly with almost no care Indoors, most any home or office with with
an airy location with good indirect light can have a fine Staghorn fern to
show off
The Staghorns now offered to you are 2-3 years old grown from spores Although every staghorn fern is unique in shape and growth, your Staghorn in a wire basket will look similar to this upon arrival Plants you will get are exceptionally attractive ...fronds are 8-12 inches above the wire basket so you start with a robust, healthy, dramatic specimen from day one Each Staghorn is very well established and "planted" in sphagnum moss which looks like this If
you've read our article on air plants, you already
know Staghorn ferns do not need or want soil. They grow in the air so you can hang your own Stag or
mount it on a board, it's up to you
Staghorn ferns do not develop seeds, but spores. The tips develop attractive brown spore clusters .....spores from which your plants were grown. Some plants we are shipping already have spores now BONUS: Many
of the Staghorn ferns now shipping
have "pups" growing from around the sides.
You can separate these
baby stags
and start new plants
Once pups reach about this size you can transfer pups to a board or a
new basket, so
one plant becomes many
USA sales only please. First come first served, no reservations as this offer will sell out very quickly. Here they are... Staghorn Fern is offered @ $55.00 plus postage & packing
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