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Sweet Leaf of Paraguay
Honey Leaf
Candy Leaf
Stevia rebaudiana
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Stevia rebaudiana is an amazing plant Known worldwide for its sweetness (leaves) but no food calories to worry
about You eat a leaf and WHAM you are instantly saying things like WHOA or WOW or AMAZING fact, it's a matter of HOW SWEET 30 times sweeter than sugar and some say 300 times sweeter This perennial shrub/herb from Brazil and Paraguay is grown commercially worldwide as a sweetener EXCEPT here in the USA where your friendly Federal Government is involved so getting seeds or plants is a real hassle For example, Japan, China, Canada and Germany are big fans of the live plants Totally safe, the USDA wants some sort of PROOF of safety or who knows what ...but the native peoples in South America have used the plant for who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years and everybody agrees it's a nice plant you can eat So, based on where Stevia is native, it's a sub-tropical or full topical plant ...OK outdoors year around in zone 10 or warmer but needs to be a potted plant elsewhere ...locate like you would window box basil or parsley's a pretty easy plant to own and enjoy We have a few live Stevia plants on hand in 4-inch pots that look like these... You may order your own Stevia Live Plant for only $22.50 plus $7.50 postage & packing, sorry, only a few plants are available
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