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Tropical Spinach

Basella rubra
click pic to enlarge

In South America, good eating "spinach" grows wild year around

Folks in the USA call this tasty good-eating succulent "Tropical Spinach"

We were experimenting and imported some seeds (the black round ones in the pictures) from Surinam which lies at the NE corner of South America

Just for fun, we planted and now are very happy with this totally carefree good eating plant

click pic to enlarge

Notice the lush you can add to fresh salads year around

Tropical Spinach is the perfect companion to the Wild Florida Everglades Tomato

We looked around and found that recipes calling for Tropical Spinach are in publications such as Southern Living & various Internet websites

Perennial outdoors in zone 10 and warm zone 9, Tropical Spinach is also very well suited to pots ...grows very well

You can easily grow Tropical Spinach outdoors or indoors year around anywhere

Tropical Spinach plants on hand are full and ready to plant outdoors or in your pot right now.  Tropical Spinach handles from near full sun to very shady never complains

Have fun with your own Tropical Spinach seedling plant ...which conveniently makes seeds ongoing you easily re-plant

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included with your package
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One Tropical Spinach live seedling plant $26.00 total with postage & packing included

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