Live Plant Offer
Live Plant Offer
True Tequila Agave
Blue Agave
Agave Tequilana Weber Azul
The oldest distilled hard spirit in all the Americas is Tequila, now popular
for over 400 years
Archeologists say the Aztecs cultivated the Blue Agave starting over 9,000
years ago
By law in Mexico, ONLY Agave Tequilana Weber Azul TRUE Blue Agave plants may be used to distill spirits to be labeled Tequila In recent years the popularity of Tequila has soared beyond all other spirits worldwide. Now over 700 distilleries in Mexico produce Tequila and they can't grow enough ...Blue Agave plants Due to this tremendous popularity, getting
TRUE Blue Agave plants has been almost impossible
...but we managed to score a few for you
Blue Agave is a smooth-leafed succulent plant (a cactus type plant with no needles) native to Mexico. The unique blue cast of the plant leaves gave it its English name Tequila is made from the distilled sap from the hearts (piƱas) of the Blue Agave plant Easy to grow, the Blue Agave plant is rated zone 9-10 but no frost. Blue Agave
wants lots of sun, warmth and little water
in good soil. Great enjoyed for a few years in a nice pot then into your landscape for
a unique look guaranteed no neighbor of yours will have
The True Blue Agave plants we have for you today look good and sturdy like this
Today, you may order your very own rare True Blue Agave as
a live plant for
only $18.50 plus $6.50 shipping and packing
As always, complete planting and care instructions will be included in your package For pre-purchase PayPal information, click
To pay by check, please click here |