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Traveler's Tree
Traveler's Tree, Traveler's Palm
Ravenala madagascariensis
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As you can guess from the Latin name, this tree is native to Madagascar (black spot East of lower Africa in the map below), which gets our vote for where the coolest plants in world originate Often called Traveler's Palm, it is not a palm, but a tree and is related to all bananas and Birds of Paradise The name "Traveler" is applied because the leaf bases accumulate water which is said to be drinkable for those in need in the wilds of Madagascar Likewise, cutting a stem (see stem and flower picture above) causes gushes of liquid to flow which might be drinkable. We haven't tried The appeal of Traveler's Palm is obvious. It's appearance is as sultry as any tropical plant we know The leaves range from 10-15 feet (variable with climate) and the tree itself will grow from 30 to 60 tall, also depending on climate. A happy tree can have 35 stems at one time. Basically a zone 10 plant (perhaps a no-freeze zone 9), plenty of folks still have them indoors with added warmth and plenty of light hours. High humidity is not required, nor much water Even a single plant is an automatic specimen in your landscape. Grouped in rows, they form a spectacular border, far from the conventional, extremely strong Well maintained, Traveler's Tree leaves produce a total half circle of clock-like foliage ...very nice to see As a specimen, Traveler's Tree is unrivaled. In groups or in rows, you have made a very bold statement Even young, Traveler's is already impressive Water faithfully to help a new plant. Plant in good organic soil. Fertilize as you would a palm. Thereafter, Traveler's Tree is very easy, carefree, pest free Not rare, yet Traveler's Tree is hard to find
Plants now shipping are about a foot tall
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