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Live Plants Offer
Stromanthe sanguinea 'Tricolor'
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Outdoors in zones 8, 9 and 10 or a magnificent houseplant anywhere, Stromanthe sanguinea 'Tricolor' sports dramatic powerful colors to highlight your plants collection Very easy to grow, Tricolor sold out quickly in 2007 Eye-catching glossy leaves ...color on BOTH sides !!! Leaves are brilliant magenta ..tops are white and green with the magenta showing through Easy to handle indoors ...most any decent window is just fine. Keep soil lightly moist and enjoy Tricolor grows to about 2 feet tall, leaves range 12-20 inches long and about 4 inches wide. Such foliage makes a strong color statement wherever you decide to show off Outdoors in zones 8-10 provide shade or some morning sun and
don't let soil get dry ...that's it for "care"
Tricolor plants now shipping are thick and fluffy and look like this one below As your Tricolor grows, you may divide and create more plants to show off or give some away You may order your own Tricolor live plant for only $22.50 plus $8.75 postage & packing For pre-purchase PayPal
information, click here As always, you receive
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