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Never before offered, the Senna alata (formerly named Cassia alata) is a very powerful bloomer, as many as six months continuously during all your warm and hot months Ultra easy to grow in all of zones 9 and 10, Candlestick plant is TOUGH shrub, rarely crying for water and virtually pest free. May grow as tall as 10 feet, but usually more like 6 feet max The flowers are great ...unique, upright and tall blooms, once started, keep blooming without stop until colder weather returns A top shelf warm/hot weather bloomer perfect for full sun locations ...thrives on neglect Candlestick shrub is a bold accent shrub very attractive
seen at a distance, but charming up close as well
Dryer planting areas (rainfall) produce the most blooms, but Golden Candlestick handles moist soil as well After
establishment in your landscape, usually normal rainfall amounts is all you
need to enjoy this evergreen flowering shrub this case,
neglect is good for blooms
You can show off your own Candlestick Flower starting with well rooted plants. Plants are 8-10 inches tall and ready for your landscape or your nice new pot Candlestick Flower is available to you now at $17.50 plus $7.50 postage and packing Get 2 or 3 plants and save $$$
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