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Beautiful & Tasty
Tropical Oregano
Cuban Oregano
Plectranthus amboinicus
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In the Greek language, the word oregano means "Joy of the mountain" "Joy" also for you to own this outstanding carefree succulent. Excellent for beauty & superb for cooking Tropical Oregano
is an excellent surprise gift for We've been experimenting with Plectranthus amboinicus for two years to see if all the cheering and accolades are deserved First, "is this a good looking plant?" YES !!! This easy going succulent grows so well and so beautifully, it's worth owning and showing off just for the highly attractive foliage Medium green leaves that seem to last forever ...and bordered with a wonderful white edge The growth habit is both upright as well as cascading. Ours have been in terra cotta pots on the patio ...foliage and stems fall down on all sides creating a foliage "skirt" and, stems grow upright to a height of 15-20 inches on sturdy stems
Second, what about this business of using the renowned name "oregano"
...does it REALLY taste like oregano? Oh yea, it does !!!
Besides plants, our other passion is cooking. So when we explain that this Variegated Cuban Oregano tastes great and is a perfect substitute for Greek oregano, we're serious about the comparison
...cook with heat as with common oregano
Third, what's radically different is you
will have your Tropical Oregano growing
beautifully, looking great and you will
harvest leaves 365 days a year ...this succulent is perennial
Each new small leaflet becomes a new branch. A developed plant will be lush like the one below
These Tropical Oregano plants are ready
for your landscape
or your pot and ready for your kitchen right now
Indoors or outdoors, just keep frost free with good light and you will have a happy pests Ohhhh, and don't forget, you get fragrant flowers too Tropical Oregano is a available to order now
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